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Xact Impact Natural Pest Management

Lawn Service — Zone 3

Our Lawn Service (Zone 3) is designed to feed and control pests on the lawn and other vegetative areas nearby so they have little incentive to approach your home. Pest that have harborage away from your home (for example, a colony nest somewhere on your property) will leave their nest in search of food and water. By providing enticing food (in the form of a bait) on the lawn, we have an excellent opportunity to obtain control over the pests before they ever get close to your home.

The Xact Impact Natural Pest Management lawn treatment is different than most other systems. Traditional lawn treatment (practiced by most pest-control companies) is to broadcast spray liquid chemicals on your lawn. Click here to read the many problems with broadcast spaying your lawn.

Treatment — Lawn Service

The Xact Impact Natural Pest Management lawn treatment's goal is to reduce the population of home-invading pests found on your lawn.

What is the Treatment?

Our lawn treatment uses a unique mixture of low-toxicity granular baits that is used to treat all grass, mulch beds, flower beds and ornamental areas. The granular mixture is spread evenly over the desired area and is used to control the following pests:

How Does it Work?

Grass, flower beds and related areas are traditional feeding grounds for pests. The goal of our lawn treatment is to place easily consumed baits in these areas so that foraging pests can consume them and die. In some cases, pests that live in colonies will transfer the bait back to the colony where its effects can be realized on all members of the colony (including the queen).


Important benefits of the Xact Impact Natural Pest Management lawn treatment include:

Treatment — Nematode Flea Treatment

We offer a specialized treatment service for outside fleas. Our treatment uses beneficial nematodes, which are microscopic, non-segmented roundworms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world.

What is the Treatment?

Our nematode treatment is applied directly to your lawn, mulch area, flower beds, and many other outside areas where fleas may exist. On an average size home and lot, we will apply upwards of 50 million nematodes. To activate the nematodes and make them more successful, we mix them with water and spread them on the lawn and related areas.

In addition to fleas, our nematode treatment is very effective against: chinch bugs, white grubs, caterpillars, cutworms, sod webworms, worker/soldier ants, worker/soldier termites, armyworms, artichoke plume moths, Asian cockroaches, American cockroaches, German cockroaches, beet armyworms, black cutworms, bluegrass weevils, codling moths, corn earworms, cotton bollworms, cucumber beetles, fall armyworms, fly larvae, fruit flies, leaf miners, mole crickets, tobacco budworms, wireworms, and more.

How Does it Work?

Inside the nematode's gut is the real weapon — symbiotic bacteria that when released inside an insect kill it within 24 to 48 hours. The nematodes enter the insect via the mouth, anus, respiratory openings, or directly through the body wall of the pest. The nematodes then eject their symbiotic bacteria inside the pest's body. The bacteria multiply and cause blood poisoning of the pest, leading to death. The bacteria also convert host tissue into nutritive products, which can easily be taken up by nematodes. Inside the dead insect, the nematodes feed and multiply. As the food resources within the dead pest become scarce, the nematodes will exit the dead insect and immediately start searching for a new host.


There are a number of outstanding benefits to our nematode treatment:

Treatment — Diatomaceous Earth Tick Treatment

We offer a special-purpose service to address ticks. Rather than using traditional synthetic pesticides, we use Diatomaceous Earth, which is also called silicon dioxide. Diatomaceous Earth is as chemically inert as road dust, but when properly used, it is very effective against insect pests. Unlike chemical insecticides, Diatomaceous Earth is a mechanical insecticide.

What is the Treatment?

Ticks live on and near wood. As such, our Diatomaceous Earth treatment focuses on wood structures that surround your home and the grass that can provide paths from one wood structure to another. We spread a layer of Diatomaceous Earth (mixed with water) on your wood structures (for example, porches, decks, fences, etc.) and grass. Diatomaceous Earth is highly effective, but to ensure the results you expect, we treat your home twice.

Addressed pests: ticks and scorpions

How Does it Work?

Insects control their body moisture by means of a complex ‘waxy’ coating on the outside of their exoskeletons, i.e., their shells. This coating is naturally porous, which permits slow loss of water and evaporation. If the waxy coating is damaged, the insect suffers serious injury.

Diatomaceous Earth is made up of ancient skeletal remains of diatoms. These one-celled creatures have hard, sharp structures that are small enough to abrade, cut or pierce an insect’s waxy coating. But the structures are so small that Diatomaceous Earth feels as soft as baby powder to humans. Diatomaceous Earth is also an excellent absorbent. This strong absorbency literally sucks the life fluid from insects.


The following are some of the benefits of using Diatomaceous Earth:

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